MEGASKILLS Project Consortium Meeting in Madrid

October 21, 2024

The latest consortium meeting of the MEGASKILLS project was successfully held in Madrid, marking another milestone in the journey towards revolutionizing skills development through innovative digital tools like video games. The meeting provided an opportunity to review progress, assess deliverables, and plan future actions.

Key discussions during the meeting focused on:
- Deliverable Review: An in-depth review of the project’s current deliverables and ongoing activities to ensure all partners are aligned and moving forward efficiently.
- Use Case Evaluation: Significant progress has been made in real-world use cases. Both organizations and educational entities interested in the potential of video games as a tool for developing essential skills are encouraged to participate and explore these initiatives.

Looking Ahead:
- The consortium will continue evaluating these use cases to further enhance the pilot platform.
- A series of publications will soon be released, detailing the designed model of competencies and how video games can be effectively used in vocational training to build critical skills.
- Increased collaboration with entities is on the horizon, ensuring broader dissemination of the project’s results and engaging more stakeholders in the educational and corporate sectors.
- The integration of AI technologies is a priority, aiming to enhance the user experience and provide more tailored solutions for learning and skill development.

With a clear roadmap and exciting next steps, the MEGASKILLS project is on track to deliver cutting-edge tools and methodologies that will reshape how skills are developed in an increasingly digital world.

Stay tuned for further updates as we continue to make strides towards a more innovative and skill-driven future!

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